Potent Quotables (updated periodically)

  • "If you like sausages and laws, you should never watch either one of them being made." -- Otto von Bismarck
  • "God who gave us life, gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever." -- Thomas Jefferson
  • "The best way to prove a stick is crooked is to lay a straight one beside it" -- FW Boreham
  • "There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who walk into a room and say, 'There you are' and those who say, 'Here I am'" -- Abigail Van Buren
  • "It was not political rhetoric, mass rallies or poses of moral indignation that gave the people a better life. It was capitalism." -- Thomas Sowell

Friday, March 26, 2010


Ah, you've got to love nonsense.  It's like duct tape for liberals.  Aldous Huxley wrote about the doublespeaking liberals all the way back in 1931.  And guess what?  They're still doublespeaking.

To quote Rep. Patrick Kennedy attempting to say something meaningful about abortion (from this article):
"Obviously there’s going to be some legal decisions that are going to be coming forward, I’m sure, that are going to adjudicate this...But obviously, we’ve got to protect women’s health. Half of our population are women, and -- this is a matter of public health...It’s not a question of morality or anything; it’s a matter of health -- public health. Our mothers, our sisters, our spouses, I mean, this is a simple issue. It’s not making any judgment on people. It’s just a matter of providing -- making sure that they’re safe. And there’s only one way to make sure they’re safe, and that’s making sure that it’s legal.”
Wow.  Just wow.  To borrow a liberal term, allow me to "deconstruct" this ball of twine dipped in manure.  Half of our population are women he says...and therefore deserve to be protected by the state.  You know, "obviously"!  But 5,000,000 terminated babies beg to differ.  Who represents them I wonder?  Who's got their back on healthcare?  President Obama, who, in his own words, doesn't want his girls "punished with a baby"?  Yeah, probably not.  "It's not a question of morality...It's not making any judgment on people", says Patrick Kennedy.  Can you even be more liberal than Ted???  So you're not making any judgment on the babies that are being killed, is that correct?  I suppose, by defining human children as something other than people you can make your argument work for the confused individuals that voted for you.
Let me see if I've got this right...it's okay (in your mind) to kill unborn babies to protect women because there are a lot of women.  By that faulty logic, a lot of murder could be justified based on the numbers.  I understand that unborn babies can't vote for you yet, but a bunch of scared or misguided women can.  So why protect babies when their own mothers won't?  I get it.  It's a numbers game, and apparently it worked for you.  What I don't get is what made you grow up to be such a scum sucking miscreant that you cannot distinguish murder from morality.  You choose to encourage weakness and death over courage and strength; guilt over joy.  You package your lies as "women's health" while it's the women who are saddled with the unintended consequences of abortion.  Then you piously talk about "serving others" and remind us all ad nauseum that you're doing so.  I don't care if you have good intentions.  Grow up and think about results.  You're not protecting women.  You're using them. 

Patrick, there is a reason why the ass is the symbol of your party, and the only way to make sure that America is safe, is to kick those asses to the curb.  November's coming quickly.  Tell your friends.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reality? We don't need no stinking reality?

First off, pardon me if this sounds a little angry.  It's with good reason.  I am angry.  I'm angry that in a representative democracy, a few socialists have managed to gain too much power over the population.  And the population helped them get there.  Let's hope that liberals in office are on their way out the door in November before they do anything further to take liberty away from us in exchange for meaningless assurances of good health and the liberal dream of being freeloading do-nothingers that still get paid to produce foul air out of their Sphincter Pelosi worshiping stench holes.

I recommend the following doses of reality from Thomas Sowell (see links at bottom of post), who is a real black man and deserves to be president, unlike our current president who pretends to be black (in order to take advantage of a hopeful black population) and deserves to be peddling hope at a hot dog stand.  I'm not convinced that he loves his fellow black man, much less his fellow American.  Instead, I think he uses them to his own glory.  He should have vetoed the hell out of this bill, but being a man of absent principles, he continues to think only of Obama and his socialist legacy. 

But hey, abortions, 50% off.  So that's great.  What a legacy!  You think that they are passing these laws because they really care about you, or old people, or sick people, or poor people?  You'd better wake up.  My advice to all of us (including myself) is to have the brains and the nuts to vote right from now on, or we may reach a point where the damage cannot be reversed.  Once you burn your skin to a point, it won't heal.  That is what congress has done to America with its vote on Sunday and in the Senate last year. 

To a liberal you are one thing, and one thing only: a vote towards power (theirs, not yours).  They'll tell you they love you, but it's just to get in your pants.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Storm the Bastille

I don't care if you're a republican, democrat, or what...  If you're an American, your liberty is on its way out the door.  If you'd like to welcome it back, call your congressperson(s).  Don't let this stinkfest go down without a fight. Some of the talking heads and "representatives" may not think that Constitutional procedure is important, but then again, people that say things like that probably don't think you are very important either.  Personally, I love it when my representatives tell me that I don't care about procedure and probably wouldn't know what they were talking about anyhow (almost as much as I love it when they say that Americans are unengaged and uninformed). Certainly, progressives are losing all sense of how laws are passed in this nation of FREE peoples.  Power corrupts.  What was it they said again about absolute power?

You can learn more about being Slaughtered by clicking here.  Welcome to the USSA.

The liberal monkey is right. I do want to see him act. Just not like a damn fool. Hardball... More like Soft Nuts.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Now might be a good time...

...to go short the $USD.  Also, get ready for higher borrowing rates.  Oh, and the social security funds you've had taken from you since your very first paycheck?  Gone.  Poof.

Shoulda listened to Bush 43 when he wanted to privatize Social Security.  That was our last chance to save something of the system.  There were lots and lots of mistakes and thievery along the way, though.

Thought this was interesting...

Haggling over price...

Also, added a couple new links to the Finance section to the right:  Finer Points and Mortgage Daily.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Debt Limit Made Simple

Simple.  That's how I roll.