Potent Quotables (updated periodically)

  • "If you like sausages and laws, you should never watch either one of them being made." -- Otto von Bismarck
  • "God who gave us life, gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever." -- Thomas Jefferson
  • "The best way to prove a stick is crooked is to lay a straight one beside it" -- FW Boreham
  • "There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who walk into a room and say, 'There you are' and those who say, 'Here I am'" -- Abigail Van Buren
  • "It was not political rhetoric, mass rallies or poses of moral indignation that gave the people a better life. It was capitalism." -- Thomas Sowell

Friday, April 24, 2009

Let Me

Did you know your government officials "let you" do things? Barney Frank, may I go to the bathroom? May I be excused...

Readme while you still have permission.

Pay particular notice to where he says, "...and the states have not done a good job on banking." In other words, "...and the federal government needs to control banking." And he who controls finance controls a lot more than finance, my friends. He controls decisions of all kinds. Did you realize that it is actually banking customers that control banking thru competition and shopping around? Banks are not just giant robotic ATM's that exist for your pleasure and a free handout. You don't go into Wal-Mart and expect free groceries (well except for you grape snatchers). Neither should you expect free money from banks. Banks are made of people just like you, people who work for a living and have children and bills and concerns of their own. They are in business to make money for their own bills, mortgages, children, tuition, contributions, and savings. Maybe they make more than you, and maybe they make less. That doesn't make them or you evil. In other words, they are not made of people like Barney Frank, who B.S. for a living and salivate over controlling other people's lives. I long for the days when the name Barney made me think of an oddly proportioned purple dinosaur with feminine tendencies. Then again, I guess it's just the purple that's missing.

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