Potent Quotables (updated periodically)

  • "If you like sausages and laws, you should never watch either one of them being made." -- Otto von Bismarck
  • "God who gave us life, gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever." -- Thomas Jefferson
  • "The best way to prove a stick is crooked is to lay a straight one beside it" -- FW Boreham
  • "There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who walk into a room and say, 'There you are' and those who say, 'Here I am'" -- Abigail Van Buren
  • "It was not political rhetoric, mass rallies or poses of moral indignation that gave the people a better life. It was capitalism." -- Thomas Sowell

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The US in Potus

At the time that I write this, I'm seeing on television that Barrack Obama has been statistically chosen as president elect of the United States of America. I offer congratulations to those who see Obama as a positive change and will admit that a part of me feels glad to see hard evidence that we, as a country, have moved past the horrible racial prejudices of yesteryear. That being said, there is hardly more to congratulate you on. When you look past the hype, the image, and the marketing, there stands a man: naked in experience, socialist in philosophy, and yet very talented and self-assured. My fear is that minorities may have voted for someone who looks more like them and will help illegals get drivers licenses with less regard to the philosophy that has made this country great. In short, perhaps they settled too early for a familiar face and forgot to look deeper.

My hope is that he is more capable of making good decisions than his records suggest and that he is far less socialist and sketchy than his words and his associations have indicated. I pray that he has guidance from wise and strong willed leaders and that he makes decisions that are better for America than they are for his career. At present, there is more evidence to the contrary, from the church he attended to the way this campaign was financed and the methods he used to enter the Senate in the first place. I suggest to you now that these days are days to pay attention. As Thomas Sowell said, "The Roman Empire did decline and fall..." No one believes America can fall, and that is where our failure is likely to be born. Symbolically and functionally, this is a tremendously important day in history. The Obama campaign chanted "Change" until they were blue in the face (and the polls). Make sure that change is a positive one and not a step down the slippery slope of a culture that is increasingly less responsible for its actions and increasingly socialistic.

Remember what Thomas Jefferson said: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

A few thoughts to leave you with whether you are a big Obama fan or not so much:

1. It took a Jimmy Carter before we got a Ronald Reagan. [ht Chris]

secondly, and more importantly...
2. Regardless of what happens here, we are members of a much higher kingdom anyway.

3. an article I found interesting Article: A Blank Slate, by historian, Victor Davis Hanson.

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