Potent Quotables (updated periodically)

  • "If you like sausages and laws, you should never watch either one of them being made." -- Otto von Bismarck
  • "God who gave us life, gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever." -- Thomas Jefferson
  • "The best way to prove a stick is crooked is to lay a straight one beside it" -- FW Boreham
  • "There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who walk into a room and say, 'There you are' and those who say, 'Here I am'" -- Abigail Van Buren
  • "It was not political rhetoric, mass rallies or poses of moral indignation that gave the people a better life. It was capitalism." -- Thomas Sowell

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On Racism

When did liberal become a race?

Jimmy Carter recently said in plain words what liberals apparently seem to be thinking in the backs of their mindnubs:  that any argument against the Almighty Obama is RACIST!  Oh no!  Not racist! 

Well, let me argue that with a bit of logic, the liberal's arch nemesis.  I am white or black.  I am not both.  I won't tell becuase you don't need to know.  Let's say I'm black for sake of argument.  But I might just as easily be white.  Now Obama is black (well sort of...for sake of this argument, he's black).  Kind of like Tiger Woods is black.  Whipped mocha choco latte, if you will.  Jimmy Carter is white.  White like the paste you ate in preschool; maybe even a little pink like those baby mice that get fed to rat snakes in science class (before PETA).  But hey, animals taste better than people or soylent green, except that soylent green is PEOPLE...so I guess they taste the same.  But I digress... 

Now then...back to my thought:  I don't think Obama has America's best interest in mind.  Therefore, I must be racist and hate black people, or at the very least feel disgusted by their darktitude.  Hey Darkie, go back to Africa.  Make sense?  But I don't think that Carter has America's best interest in mind either.  Hey Whitey, quit mowin' your suburban gated-community lawn and come see what the ghetto is really like, you rhythm deficient cracka ho.  I'm now very confused because according to Jimmy Carter, since I disagree with liberal brainwashing and communism, that means I'm racist against both whites and blacks, and yet I am black...or white.

If you are sheet-wearing, KKK lovin', redneck, hepatitis carrying, skinhead, please get a life.  If you are a wannabe pimp gangsta, Black Panther lovin', prideful negro, please get a life.  If I'm white, I'm not responsible for whippin' your great great granny for not pickin' enough cotton back on the plantation.  Have you ever even seen cotton outside of WalMart?  If I'm black, it doesn't make me a thug or less intelligent than a white man; I'm a law abiding citizen just like you are, so don't act like I'm gonna steal your purse. 

It's funny...well, in kind of a stupid way, how we've gone from a society which once did mistreat minorities  to one that now feels overly guilty for it even though those times have come and gone and the people responsible have all died.  A white person isn't going to comment on the fact that BET (Black Entertainment Television) is a double standard (what, no WET?).  And yet, a black person isn't going to admit that maybe he has been kept down by "The Man" by taking handouts and welfare.  A white man is uncomfortable admitting that more minorities live in poverty while a minority forgets that they are probably more poor simply because they are behind in terms of how much time they've had to gain wealth.  Instead of time being the culprit, it's whitey.  Well it isn't whitey.  In fact, more whitey's have probably tried to help you than hurt you in the last several decades.  And Whitey, you've got a few things to learn too.  Blacks were mistreated and seem to be brought up to kind of carry that history around with them in the backs of their minds.  So you have to treat that situation respectfully.  It was very very real at one time.  Haneous attrocities were committed against blacks and still are sometimes.  Of course, haneous attrocities are committed against people of all races.  But the racism of yesterday is not the reality anymore.  So it's okay to be frustrated with the dark man for thinking it is, but at the same time be respectful of his past. 

The upcoming generations are sick and tired of being dragged through this racism game.  It doesn't exist to us anymore.  In Jimmy Carter's day maybe it did.  But that's not where we are now, and being against Obama's liberal policies doesn't make you any more racist than not liking the taste of fried chicken or malt liquor.  Although who doesn't like fried chicken?

All of us are created equal by our Creator and considered as equals in the USA regardless of our race.  You are no better than me, nor am I any better than you.  I may have more or have less, be better or worse looking, be smarter or a little less so...but my vote carries as much weight as yours (but no more than yours), and I have the same rights to pursue freedom and happiness as you do, and vice versa. 

So when someone like Jimmy Carter tries to grovel at the throne of Obama so that his soul might be spared in his last days, it makes me kind of throw up a little bit because this isn't about race, this is about the values that America is watching melt on its wrist like a sticky red popscicle glowing in the hot sun of Barack's mighty shining light.

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